What is a bank valuation?
As part of your mortgage loan application, most lenders will require a bank valuation (or mortgage lender valuation) to be carried out on the property that you are seeking the loan for. This happens when you move to the Sale Agreed stage of your home buying journey. The lender will provide you with a panel of possible valuers (qualified estate agents or surveyors) to visit the property and provide a valuation for the lender. It is designed to give enough information for the lender so that they can decide whether the property is safe to lend on, and up to what amount.
How can I arrange a bank valuation?
At ERA Downey McCarthy, we are on the valuations panel for the First South Credit Union and are ready to perform this type of bank valuation in a timely and efficient manner.
To arrange a bank valuation today, call us on 021 490 5000 or email info@eracork.ie.